#AskGaryVee Book Review

Author: Gary Vaynerchuk
Book Link

If there’s one thing you can never fault Vaynerchuk for in life, it’s authenticity.

This guy knows exactly who he is, what he stands for and how he sees the world. There are no gray areas with him and when it comes to delivering what’s on his mind, you get everything.

While Gary’s main focus (today) is his marketing firm, he goes into every possible avenue with this book. If you’ve listened to his podcast, or watched his latest youtube show, consider this book a very long episode.

The book itself is divided up into different sections and even though parts of it weren’t areas of my own interest, I found myself reading them anyway just to hear what Gary has to say. Did I always agree with him?

Absolutely not.

However, he had me thinking in different ways and nodding my head over some points I had never considered. It is appreciated that he is so open so the reader knows you are getting real answers based on real experience. If there’s anything that has me running for my garbage bin or jamming on that delete (or even unsubscribe) button in my email, it’s the over-saturated direct marketing that preys on your insecurities under the guise of a person being an “expert.”

Also, anybody who tells me they have the “secret” that “experts don’t want you to know.” *eye roll*

The key points from this book are to be authentic, engage with your audience and hustle.

In the grand scheme of life-changing advice, it seems simplistic (and most profound realizations are), but the passion Vaynerchuk brings to explaining those ideas are miles ahead of anyone else.

If you want some raw honesty from one perspective, with a shot of entertainment, this book is worth a read.