Clutterfree with Kids Book Review

Author: Joshua Becker
Book Link

I’ll admit, this is the second time I’ve read through this book.

The first time was just before kids and I was curious to see how my perspective changed since having them. I’ll admit, not much has changed (about clutter… everything else… well…)

Becker does a great job at outlining the ideas behind living a clutter-free household. However, if you’re already familiar with the idea, which my wife and I strive to be, there will be a few good nuggets of wisdom in here, but nothing groundbreaking.

It would probably be best to start with the author’s blog where you’ll find a ton of great articles. If the task of reading through it all seems overwhelming and you’re looking at your house going, “I really need to get rid of this stuff,” then make the jump into the book.

Here were a few choice quotes that I gleamed this time around:

“As soon as you start thinking about the end of your life, you begin to live differently in the present.”

“Turn off the television. Go outside. Live life, don’t just watch it.”

“Why would I want what everyone else has when they all want what I already possess?”

“Parenting is 100% parents trying to shape lives and 100% children choosing their own life.”

This book is a good foray into the world of living with less and proving it can be done with families living in the suburbs.

However, consider it more of an introduction manual than an advanced course.