Less, But More

“I just don’t have the time.”

How many times have we used that line? There’s something we really want in life and we dream about it all day long, but there’s no time for it.

When we finally muster up the motivation, we spoil it by mindlessly surfing the Internet or watching television. We may even spend large chunks of time just thinking about what we should do next.

I’m guilty of this on so many occasions.

I wrote, “Keep the Fire Burning” years ago at a different time in my life. Its pillars still hold true today, but there was something missing — the execution.

At the time of its writing, I was less busy than I am now. Today, I work full-time, run a side-business and have a family. Time is truly precious and I’ve learned how to take advantage of every minute when I can get it.

This is what this follow-up book is about.

It’s a short read that focuses on how to get going on your personal goals. It goes over what to do, where to start, what to watch out for and how to make it happen. Each chapter is direct and to the point with no filler.

It shows you can accomplish quite a bit with just a short burst of time every day. To prove it, I wrote the entire book on my cell phone.

That’s right — every word was written on my cell phone whenever I had a few minutes during the day (edits were still done on my computer after it was finished).

This isn’t to brag, but to demonstrate that you don’t need the perfect circumstances to get started and keep going.
It’s a free resource I’ve put together and you can download it by clicking on the book cover or the link below.

All you need is 15 minutes.

Click here to download it.
(book is in pdf format)