Looking for Eternity in Dying Material Goods

Why are we here?

What is the purpose of life?

What is my purpose in life?

Religious leaders, philosophers and the stoics have been attempting to answer these questions for thousands of years. Their best responses have been codified behaviours, explanations of spiritual forces and the eventual development of human rights.

Beneath the surface you have the mystics who attempt to answer this as well. They do their best to explain how their experiences are beyond words, but provide the answers one seeks.

Then there are the scientists who uncover the secrets of how the universe works. They provide explanations as to why our human biology works the way it does and then gave us something to dream for as they show us the expanding universe.

There has been no definite answer to any of those questions.

However, any attempt points towards an answer that is beyond ourselves. We are seeking something grander — something that touches eternity. This is where we will find fulfillment.

Fulfillment is in the search for eternity and yet, we can’t help but be driven by ambition for material goods. While useful, and needed, they are a dead pursuit.