No Need to Crawl Into a Hole

“This world is going to hell and we’re all screwed.”
“I’m never having kids. This world is beyond repair.”
“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”

I’m sure if you were to drop those quotes into any era in human history, many people would be in agreement with you.

“No, no. This time it’s the real deal,” someone might argue.

The world has changed… drastically… that much we can agree upon. The data states it’s been for the better. The subjective experience of some say it’s been for the worse.

I think we live in the most exciting time in human history and look forward to seeing what the next fifty years brings. If I were to guess…

Some things we thought were good turned out to be horrible.
Some things we thought were going to cause the downfall of society, didn’t.
Literacy rates worldwide will go up.
Crime will go down.
And somebody will still boldly proclaim this world is going to hell and we’re all screwed.