The Highest Path We Can Take

When we think of the apex of our existence, what path can take us there?

Some of us fall into a trap of getting onto a path without even knowing where it’s going. We’re just told that other people have gone on this path and we should follow them as it seems to be working for them.

Other times we see the end of the path, but get frightened at how difficult it will be to get there. Instead, we settle for what’s easiest or simply make camp and decide that hiking is not for us.

Sometimes we start on a path and end up on another one.

The highest path, and the hardest one, will always reveal the best versions of ourselves.

There will be moments of elation, quickly overpowered by moments of uncertainty.

There will be time to enjoy the scenery around us and there will be times where we need to stay focused and push through.

The important part is we keep going… step by step… little by little… until the highest path is the only one left for us to travel on.