The Write to Express Myself

I hate puns, but I could not resist the obvious one for which this post is dedicated.

November is novel writing month, which is affectionately known as NaNoWriMo.

I’ve attempted and completed this challenge for many years, each time learning about the fortitude of character required to finish. It also teaches more about the craft of writing than any course analyzing texts could muster.

The past few years, I’ve invited students to join me on this test of insanity. Their eagerness to attempt such a task brings me joy and ongoing assurance the future of writing is looking good.

It’s also an opportunity to bond over a common character trait that plagues many writers: the ability to express oneself.

I am horrible at conveying my thoughts in person, unless given ample preparation time. My head is scattered in a million directions, causing a loss of focus on one coherent thought.

Writing is the outlet by which I can provide clarity to those who look upon me with strangeness. I don’t mean to be weird, I’m just behind on learning the appropriate skills to not come across that way.

I know I’m not alone in the world of writers.

I’m certainly not alone in the world of artists.

Writing is how I can express myself and it comes out in the words I choose, characters in my stories and plot points that are pursued.

We all have our way of showing what’s going on in our heads.

The joy of today is we have easier ways of using that medium and showing it to others.