Ugly Book Review

Author: Robert Hoge
Book Link

Ever wonder what it’s like to grow up knowing you’re just plain ugly?

This is a charming autobiography of Robert Hoge and the trials he endured from birth with this problem. It starts with a great metaphor to explain his condition and then gets right into the details of his life that feels as though he’s telling you in person.

I have to give credit for Hoge for managing to encapsulate such a difficult topic into a light read. He provided just enough details at each stage in his life for the reader to get the point, while still fully fleshing out the important parts that add to his life narrative.

It doesn’t take long to read, but you certainly feel as if you’ve gone on a personal journey with the man. The only qualm I had was no afterward, or at least mention, of life after his childhood until now.

However, if you’re reading this with a young person (the intended audience), they will undoubtedly connect with the story and be inspired by it. I know for certain it’s going directly into my classroom library.