A World Without War

Today, schools across my city celebrated Remembrance Day – a time to honour all those who served and are serving.

It’s also a time to offer a few minutes of silence for the countless men and women who died on the battlefield. As we move further from the major wars our world has faced, the memory of the sacrifices made become increasingly important. 

It is with hope we can strive for a future where young people only know about war from their textbooks. A world that looks upon the rivers of blood from the past and shakes their head at how awful it must have been to be in  a world of conflict.

A world that gives thanks for fallen heroes and shakes hands with those who were once enemies. A world that seems like a fairyland to us today.

On Sunday, Canada officially commemorates this day and our hope for this future.

Like countless others, today, and every day, I want to say thank you.