2024 was a tremendous year on my end and it wasn’t for the reasons I expected. The past year saw the harvest of many of seeds I have been planted and cultivated over many years in many domains of life. However, the one big accomplishment for the year was learning how to finally relax.
It was a year of worrying less about the future (and the past for that matter), enjoying the present a lot more and not feeling guilty about taking time for myself.
Even concerns about what needs to get done for work slowly dissipated in favour of keeping my sanity in check, knowing that all things will eventually be completed because they always do.
Last year was also one in which I sought support for my mental health and made huge strides in understanding my own peculiarities and insecurities. There has been an overwhelming freedom that has come from it that has not only changed my perspective on life, but also on myself.
While the year also brought challenges, they paled in comparison to finishing it by celebrating my wife’s 40th birthday in Disney World with the family.
It felt like a year of abundance, despite feeling like I took several steps back in the numerous projects I tend to take on. This leads me to understand my vision is more focused, which is keeping me in a better state of mind, a more relaxed one and one that I want to continue. Hence, if there’s one resolution I will make for 2025, it’s to focus on less to do a lot more.
With that, I will graciously bow out of the productivity race.
And yes, there is still a book in the works: March 20, 2025.