Addicted to the Idea

I’ve had a horrible run the past few nights of spending time on YouTube.

While many people are lauding their binge watching efforts, sharing their impressive streaks and newest finds, I’m allowing an algorithm to take me for a ride. I’m sure I’ll pay for these sessions down the road through invisible marketing tactics based on my data, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

However, it’s turned up some remarkable finds. I was quite taken aback by this one here, a well crafted and edited video on the toxic culture of self-help.

To say I dipped my toes in those waters is akin to a shark saying they’ve had a bite of fish to eat once.

Jani (the author of the video) nails it on the head when he speaks about the addiction to the indsutry itself and the finishing of every bit of material feels like an action is taken. But it’s not.

It’s telling yourself a lie so much that you start believing it.

But its insidious nature is getting you so hooked on the ideas that the very thought of taking action on them is stifling because you can’t live up to the ideal in your head. That right there doesn’t just go for self-help, but for so many of our own dreams in life.

I have a horrible psychological issue (well… many) of getting addicted to the idea, taking action on it, then sabotoging it. I’ve literally stifled my own writing career by wasting opportunities and, to be honest, being a complete idiot (imposter syndrome is also a big factor as well).

All because of an idea I’m addicted to and a hungering thought that “just one more thing” is all I need before I can get serious about it.

Well—it’s all garbage.

It’s no good getting obsessed over an idea if you’re never going to take action.

Just go for it and adjust as you go.

Although, right now, I feel like I’ve come full circle from the most popular article I’ve written online. Maybe now I have the maturity to follow through.