I thought I was prepared for the past few weeks as a new school year began. Understanding the circumstances of what I was heading into were vastly different than any previous year, I felt prepared for the storm.
It didn’t end up being a storm.
It was more like two hurricanes coming together (an incident that was actually in danger of happening) while a hailstorm pelted me from all angles. The best I could do was hold on and keep focused on getting through it.
The very systems and pillars I setup to mitigate the effects of what was happening fell apart. And it’s those very pillars I needed to return to in order to get back on track.
It’s the beauty of experience that tells us why things fall apart in our lives, then gives us the metaphorical kick to get back on track.
And what is it that really falls apart?
The elements that make us content human beings.
We each have a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual side. If any of those fall to the wayside, it shows.
When more than one falter, it not only affects you, but the people around you. They see it and respond to you differently.
Thankfully, I have some incredible support systems that prevent me from falling. These are people, habits and mindsets that catch me when I’m flying off course and make sure I don’t stray too far from where I need to be.
And now… it’s just a matter of continuing where I left off. After all, I can only give the best to others when I have something in me to give.