Once again, I am fortunate to celebrate another year of life.
In looking back upon the previous years when I wrote my birthday posts, there is a common thread of gratitude and forward thinking. A lot of plans for the future, really.
However, when I look back upon this year and consider the many possible outcomes that could have been, I have so much to be thankful for in my life.
Every day, I have been counting my blessings as I am in the best position I’ve ever been in my life. While there’s always more to achieve, I honestly could not ask for anything more.
But… there is something I do want…
I want to hear from you.
This year has been a wild one and we’ve all handled it differently, but I’m tired of the doom and gloom of the news cycle. The fact you are reading this tells me you’re still here to tell the tale and there’s something for you to be thankful for right now.
Would you be willing to send me an email (vito@vitomichienzi.com) to let me know?
Consider it a gift.