The crazy thing about life is every day delivers something radically different.
While the routines and structure may be the same (for years in some cases), the nuances of everything that happens changes. Your morning coffee spills over the floor, the person you normally get along with is giving you the cold shoulder, you’ve been frustrated at a problem and can’t figure it out… or any other number of items.
One avenue of debriefing from the day is to gather with others and dwell on it. Go over every single detail and admonish how the world is a stupid place with no hope for survival. Such cynicism will continue to invite more of it and the feeling becomes an endless feedback loop.
You take that debrief home with you and it’s still festering in your mind, unable to let go. Waking up the next morning, your mind is full of dread at the thought of another day.
Another avenue is to shift mindset completely, just as a person who needs to be somewhere (i.e. the airport) right at the end of their workday. Thoughts of what happened are quickly filtered as the next task comes into view and occupies your worldspace.
There is no time to dwell or reflect upon arriving at home, but anxiety strikes the next morning whereupon you wonder if there was anything you needed to complete or think about the previous night.
The avenue just beside this one asks that you reflect on your day, understanding it cannot be taken back, decide to start fresh tomorrow and be done with it.
Provided there wasn’t copious amounts of caffeine or activity to keep you up all night, your mind will settle into a restful slumber. The next morning will be looked upon as an opportunity.
Your mindset for the day actually starts at the end of the previous day.
Decide what avenue to go down on the way there.