Boredom is a word that was invented after industrialization and technology gave people (the non-elite ones, anyway) a gift: free-time.
Not knowing what to do with free-time, while assuming something should be done with it, is where the idea originates.
With the increase in technological innovation, which should be freeing up more time than ever, there is an increasing number of people who complain about being bored. It never occurs to them having time to do nothing is a luxury afforded to us by generations of progress leading up to this point. In other words, we forgot how to enjoy free-time.
There’s a nagging feeling we should always be doing something, or we should always be entertained in some way. Digital technologies, while addictive, are proving even they cannot fill the void.
If you’re ambitious, find ways to use the time to improve the lives of others… or yourself.
If you’re feeling at an equilibrium in life without any need to complicate it, learn how to enjoy the free-time.
You’ll never be bored if you accept that as a concept, it doesn’t exist. It’s only a title we use to scapegoat our own inadequacies upon.