Complexity Looking for a Reason

Do you need it or are you attempting to use it because you have it?

The reason we tend to complicate matters is purely on the basis of having the complexity at our disposal. All it really does is waste a lot of time on figuring out a system that shouldn’t have been complicated in the beginning.

Why do you need an array of kitchen knives when you barely cook and one decent chef’s knife will serve most of your purposes?

Why are you downloading that app to help you become productive when a piece of paper to jot down notes and the willingness to get going is what will actually help you get things done?

Is that fancy new cleaning tool you saw on T.V. (or marketed at a trade-show) really going to motivate you to clean more often… or at all?

Things should only get complex when the simplicity no longer suffices for what you need. By that point, the next step won’t seem complex – it will just serve you better.