Counting Back to Zero

The biggest superpower today is the ability to focus.

Not just focusing on a single task at a time, although that helps, but your entire life. In a world full of constant distractions, being able to disconnect is becoming rare.

Meditation helps, but something more is needed.

With (almost) everything at our fingertips, we are always adding more to our plates. There’s so much we want to do and the resources to get at it are virtually free. Everywhere we look, somebody is doing something incredible and offering us a chance to participate.

We need to take a step back.

Every week, we should be looking over what is coming ahead and ask the hard question of whether our heart is into it. We should be saying no more often and cutting things from our schedule, one at a time.

Looking ahead, we should be counting back our commitments. We will never get to zero, but we can get close.