The time I knew it was time to leave the magic world is when it felt more like work than fun.
While there were many facts of the magician life that required juggling, each one felt like a pleasure. Even the countless hours practicing and the endless nights problem-solving a way to do a trick—none of it felt like work.
For years, it always felt like play.
From the outside, it may have looked like a lot of work, but on the inside, never.
Until it did.
At which point, I knew something had changed and it was time to leave.
Writing, reading, studying religion, solving math problems, podcasting—these are not things that feel like work me. They can be difficult, but I never dread getting to them.
This sense of elation at doing something that brings you to life is what to strive for in all the “work” you do (ironing will never be a love of mine, unfortunately, and will always feel like work).
If it stops being that way, it’s time to stop, reflect and re-evaluate.