There’s a noise that exists outside of your bubble. It’s a piercing noise that completely interrupts anything you are doing and all the good you are accomplishing.
It’s a discouraging noise and one that attempts to derail the path you’re on, or the walk you’re taking. It’s draining, exhausting and can easily wear you down.
The funny thing about this noise is it occurs after you’ve made some noise… did some good… established something solid. It only comes after your bubble of the universe has grown to be visible to others.
Sometimes, however, this noise finds you because it’s a giant megaphone that blankets a large area without regard for who hears it.
This noise sounds different every time you tune yourself to hear it:
It’s a suggestion that there’s a better way to be doing what you’re doing.
It’s a criticism that you aren’t good enough.
It’s a siren call to join the multitudes who spend their time complaining.
It’s a debate between others that you mentally involve yourself in, even knowing there will never be a clear settlement… no matter how benign the topic.
Through it all, there’s a few things you need to remember about the origin of this noise—people talk a lot and they complain a whole lot more.
Very few are willing to take action, ignore it and keep going.
If you’re onto something good, you’re loving what you’re doing and the people you’re serving are loving it too, then do yourself a favour and ignore everything else.