Nora Roberts had some tremendous advice during a Q&A session when someone asked how she manages to juggle her career and her kids.
She explained the key to juggling is to know some balls are plastic and others are glass. The key is to catch the glass ones before they hit the floor.
Considering the climate of today and the endless demands put upon us, both in our personal and our work lives, this is some sound advice to reflect on.
On any given day, balls are going to drop.
I know for myself, when I look at what needs to get done, the first question I always ask is what can be ignored for now. Then I ask what battles am I really willing to fight today because, frankly, some aren’t worth it.
It’s finding out what are the glass balls that will shatter if they hit the floor, and which are the plastic ones that will bounce… maybe even roll away…and can be picked up later.
Not everything is made of glass and it’s a relief to be reminded of that.