Leaving the Comfort Zone

Sometimes, we can get a little too comfortable with our lives.

And I don’t mean it in the way of working towards a life and then enjoying it. That should come as a natural consequence of striving for what you want.

We can just become too familiar with our routines, our thinking and ways of seeing… which gets in the way of our own growth as human beings. Regardless of age, we all have the latent potential for growth and experiences.

It’s something I think about as an educator who has been forced to leave his own comfort zones, many times, for my practice. The way I like learning and what I’m interested in is not in-line with my students (or very, very few of them). However, whenever I feel myself getting comfortable with what I’m doing by thinking that because it’s been working, it’ll continue to work, I know it’s time to change it up.

Even a little bit.

It’s something I also think about as a parent and a partner. Often, a new perspective is needed as things become a little too comfortable.

Of course, there is always the danger that leaving our comfort zones may not work. They may fail spectacularly. Actually, it might happen the majority of the time.

However, the few times it doesn’t, a whole new world opens up.

And that is worth every attempt.