It was brought to my attention the other day that I will be part of the last generation to fully live through this current renaissance period we are in.
At first, I had to consider whether we are actually living through one, but considering history has a tendency to repeat itself (over… and over… and over…), it’s quite clear:
The renaissance is in communication and information.
This time period we are in is the Gutenberg Printing Press all over again. The difference this time is the flow of information is being accelerated by the parallel strides in communication.
Anybody, at any time, anywhere on the planet can get access to the entirety of human knowledge, video chat with a friend and watch a cat video. And the growing pains are coming alongside it.
If you consider the number one selling book after the printing press was “The Hammer of Witches” (a self-help book to help identify a witch) and then you consider what people are looking at today, we have a lot of growing up to do. The good news is a renaissance is usually preceded or followed by an enlightenment.
Unfortunately, enlightenment periods come after a period of ignorance and stupidity.
Seems to be where we’re at right now.
But the best part is being able to document and understand the messy, and chaotic, nature of change. Now we just wait for what’s just around the corner.