I used to think meditation was a good spiritual practice, but the idea of committing to it seemed more novelty than anything else.
Looking closer, it can be the most important discipline we can partake in today’s attention seeking world.
Meditation forces you to re-take the attention that marketers want from you and claim it again for yourself. It trains you to keep focused on only those things that matter in your life.
It helps you to gain a clear vision of everything in front of you, within you and around you. It doesn’t tie you down to an external idea of who you are or who you should be.
It is not just some novel idea that some people hold on to as a practice.
It is completely counter-cultural. It stands against the tide that wants to take your identity and mold it into something that will keep you unhappy. It protects you from meandering into the endless void that is trying to find your identity in something that can be bought.
Meditation encompasses everything business don’t want: your ability to see things for what they actually are.
It could be the most important discipline at your disposal in our information and attention seeking world.