Seeing With the Eyes of a Magician

It’s hard to be a magician and watch a magic show.

You’re either scrutinizing the way the magician is performing or appreciating the work they’ve put into making the act work. It’s difficult to sit back and just enjoy the magic.

Every so often, however, you come across a magician that elevates the art to such a level, you completely forget what you know. You feel that wonder all over again. It reminds you about what you enjoyed about magic in the first place and causes you to re-think your own performance.

We’ve all become magicians in life.

We’ve deconstructed it so much, we don’t even question whether it holds any more wonder. To paraphrase Augustine – we stand in awe at the mountains and the oceans, but fail to wonder about ourselves.

We’ve become accustomed to finding ways to incrementally improve what we’re doing that we’ve forgotten to dream bigger.

We’re watching for small ideas when we should be aiming for an elevation of the human spirit.

The magic of life isn’t gone – it just needs new discoveries.