Sometimes, You Have to Let the Demons Out

We all have a pit of anger deep inside. It bubbles to the top, coming out in spurts of bitterness, malice or full on temper flares.

From a physical standpoint, it’s destructive.

From an emotional standpoint, it’s damaging to others.

However, if you don’t let these demons out, they fester… grow and become worse. Suppressing them with calming techniques only smothers them until they are given a sliver of breathing room to seep out again.

I found my own way of banishing them.

There are pieces of my writing no one will ever see.

They are written, promptly deleted and forgotten about. I dub it my periodic exorcism.

Here’s the process:

I write a scene of a story. In this scene, I channel that demon to cause as much destruction as possible.

I describe every emotion, every hang-up… everything that feeds it life and unleash it into a fictional world.

Then, I save it with the first name that comes to me. This is the name of that demon.

Closing the document, I give one look at the file and acknowledge the demon is now trapped in there.

Finally, and this is the cathartic part, I delete it.

The demon is exorcised and gone.