Taking on Insurmountable Tasks

When a task seems overwhelming, all you need is a moment; a moment to tell your brain this is going to happen and you’re going to only look at it a piece at a time.

Your brain can get easily overwhelmed and will default to its flight or fight mechanism. In cases where the anxiety level spikes at just thinking about a task, it’ll take the flight.

We see this flight mechanism cloaked in other terms: procrastination, excuses and deferment to another time when, “things are more calm.”

The longer you let that flight mechanism spin its wheels, the more likely you’re never going to get to the task.

It seems like an impossible challenge, but it’s easy to override. The moment you feel that flight mechanism kicking in, immediately get to work.

Make a decision on something small. Get to work on one small part of it.

Do something.

Keep doing it until you’ve had enough.

Then rest up and do it again until it’s done.