Looking at a blank screen, figuring out what will go on it, is a practice onto itself.
With nothing on it, the mind begins reeling for something interesting. It craves novelty and hates being bored.
Boredom is the state in which the brain must work overdrive to accept its condition. It is in a vacuum and needs to be filled.
Of course, thanks to our programmed biology, it wants the easiest way out.
One click away…
One swipe away…
One check away…
and the blank screen is replaced with a temporary feeling of satisfaction.
A gambler pulling on a slot machine whose high only lasts as long as the wheels are spinning.
However, boredom is also the state in which we can bring forth our creative self. It’s our greatest state of being because it means all our needs are met and we have an opportunity to elevate ourselves further.
Hence, staring at the blank screen.
It’s an opportunity to say, “Okay, what are we going to do together?”
Some days, there might not be an answer. Other days… it just might provide the answer you need most.