The Five People

The “self-made” person is a mirage. You are the result of the five people you hang out with the most. 

The five always begins with family… for better or worse. 

As we begin to make sense of the world, our five people shift and adapt. The person we want to become nudges us towards the people who will help us get there. 

Prior to the digital age, if there were no local people who shared our vision, we could always find solace in books. They became our mentors when access to people was limited. 

Their advantage was the authors didn’t have to be alive to be part of the circle who influenced you. 

Our globally connected landscape allows a digital connection to the five people you hang out with (especially for those who are isolated), but our physical connections outweigh the loose threads of digital friends. 

It’s our need for physical connection that puts us in a digital framework to fill in the lack and it’s important to fill that need. A strong connection builds a foundation that pushes us to where we want to be. 

Whoever you’re surrounding yourself with is encouraging you, discouraging you, lifting you up or tearing you down. 

Choose your five wisely.