The Necessity of Failure

Failure is proof that you were willing to experiment and push the boundaries of what makes you comfortable. In the process of growth, it is a necessary part of making it happen.

No, nobody likes the feeling of failure and we certainly wouldn’t tolerate it for life and death situations (e.g. I wouldn’t want my surgeon to fail), but this is where lessons are learned. Others may have gone before you, left some guidelines and even offered their own failures as a route to avoid, yet it requires experimentation to find out for yourself.

However, there’s no sugarcoating that failure is painful and doesn’t get easier (it can actually feel worse). I also don’t subscribe to this online love fest of celebrating it, especially if others were recipients of that experience. I mean, I can’t think of a single audience who appreciates watching a performer fail to entertain them.

It simply comes down to a willingness to shred those painful waters because the end result is something more magnificent than what you thought was possible.