Inspiration comes at the cross-section between two unseemly connected ideas. I am a chaplain, but spent many years as a professional magician.
How do those two overlap?
Delivery, improvisation, building mystery, building rapport, marketing, connecting and putting an audience first – all of those cross over nicely. Also, many people seem to really enjoy magic.
Our latest findings in neuroscience teach us to let our subconscious go to work at a problem that are causing us to struggle. It’s best to think about the problem, then walk away and go do something else to put your brain at work.
That’s why solutions and good ideas always seem to come at the most innocuous of times (especially in the middle of the night).
It’s especially useful if we balance our lives by having something requiring a lot of cognitive capacity, countered with an activity where we’re working with our hands.
Determine what you do most of and balance it with the other.
In doing so, you’ll come up with many solutions to issues that you’re facing.