The Shared Story

The strength of humanity is our ability to ban together under a common story.

We can build bridges if we’re willing to agree on something. For the most part, the one story the entire world believes in is money (link goes to podcast in reference). While it can be tempting to look at it as a means in of itself, it’s function is to tell a story:

In order for us to trade, I need to trust you. In lieu of knowing you as a person, we can exchange currency as a form of trust.

It’s a powerful story.

However, we can move beyond the shared story of money if we’re willing to tell a new one. It might not unite the entire world at once, but it can bring people together.

The new story needs to eschew the roadblocks of our previous story, while embracing the entirety of our history and future.

Seem like a daunting task?

Share your story instead. Embrace the stories of others along the way.

Work together.

Build bridges.

Share a new story.