Today, we are living in a world that is solving challenges we didn’t even know existed five years ago.
The skills we are currently equipped with will need to be rapidly upgraded to keep up with the lightning fast changes of society. Automation is accelerating and it’s only a matter of time before it claims another industry largely moved by people.
This shouldn’t be a call to panic, or hide, but to prepare.
The valuable skills for the future will be the ability to learn quickly and to focus. The two are related, but their definitions need to be stretched.
Focus is more than just being able to hone in on a task until completion. It’s also about focusing your attention in life, as to not get sidetracked by the endless opportunities available. Fear of missing out can petrify us into never making a move into any direction.
The ability to learn isn’t meant to conquer the classroom of learning, although that can be a place to start, but to learn from an array of sources: mentors, books, articles, videos and experience.
If you can put those two together, you will be able to meet any challenge the future throws at you.