The Way Forward

One solution isn’t going to fix everything.

We are caught up in thinking that a homogeneous viewpoint is the solution to all of life’s problems. As long as everybody thinks the same, we can move forward in peace and harmony.

Unfortunately, this only causes strife and political turmoil as people are no longer challenged to think beyond a mob mentality.

A solution to some of our greatest problems is only achieved when there is a dialogue between several points of view. The points don’t have to be polarized or conflicting, but they should be coming from different perspectives all aimed towards a common goal.

To use education as an example, the solution to closing the achievement gap isn’t a clear answer. Technology has been promoted as the saviour to this issue, but the hard data is showing this is not coming into fruition as hoped. One particular teaching methodology also isn’t the cookie cutter response to every classroom need. The solution is multifaceted and complex.

We like simple answers.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t give us simple problems.

The way forward is complex and will require more from us if we’re willing to accept the challenge.