Through the Eyes of a Child

My routine for shopping (and by shopping, we’re really talking about running errands) is to get into the store, beeline for what I need and get out as fast as possible.

It’s also my mantra for getting to wherever I’m going: set the course and make it there quickly.

It wasn’t until I started taking my kids with me that I forgot what it was like to see things through the eyes of a child. They have no concern for what the quickest course of action is, nor do they care about the destination.

They’re mesmerized by all the other details along the path and will take in everything.

A walk to the park requires endless stops to admire pebbles, bugs and sticks. Let them linger there long enough and they’ll have names for each of them.

These experiences are new and different. They spark curiosity.

It’s a reminder that even the most mundane can be utterly fascinating.

And it’s helpful when they see a box of sugared cereal that I love and is on sale.