To Increase Creativity, Heed the Cardinal Rule of Improv

In improv theatre/comedy, the cardinal rule for success is to keep the scene going.

Never block a person from their idea and never derail an idea once it’s in motion. Steer it… allow it to go on wild tangents… but always keep it going.

If you’re looking to increase your creativity, keep saying, “Yes and…”

Think about the time you met up with friends and someone stated a good idea. What happened? People kept building on it and taking it in better directions. By the end of the conversation, you believe you’ve come up with something revolutionary.

Your subconscious works this way.

Never block it when it’s building on an idea. Keep telling it, “Yes that’s great, and what else?”

Should you need some guidance on the matter, speak with a young child and ask them to tell you a story. Ask them questions about their story as they’re telling it. I promise, they will always have an explanation.

Keep the scene going.