If history books (videos, websites, etc.) have shown us anything, is that we will get through this moment in time.
Amidst the frustration, anger, sadness, victories and all around chaos that is happening in the world, humanity will eventually end up on the other side. For better or worse, we’re going to get there.
The question to ask is whether we will have learned anything along the way.
After almost a year of being in and out of lockdown, political meandering and uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring, it would be unfortunate to get here and not have gained anything.
Now would be the opportune time to take a few minutes for reflection and ask what the last year has brought you.
What happened?
What is your reaction?
What have you learned about yourself?
And the most important question:
Have you been honest?
The answers will reveal a future we are about to walk into.
To not have learned anything will be the biggest waste of the year.