The greatest experiences; that of the mystics, poets, artists and those committing the feats of the superhuman, are unable to be communicated through language. Even the highest of all attachments, love, is something beyond words and can be felt at the deepest moments.
This is the struggle of the Theologian, or the spiritually devout, as they cannot express the ineffable in a way that will satisfy the populace. It’s the reduction of experience to words. Or worse: labels.
And it’s the approach from doubt, rather than wonder, which makes it impossible to invite others into the depths of our human existence. Yet, it is wonder—not radical doubt—that allowed us to build wonders and discover the stars.
To validate only those experiences that can be described, or labelled, misses the greatest experiences of those that cannot. It is akin to wallowing in dust when what we really want to do is dig into the soil.
Not everything can, or should, be described.