What They Don’t Tell You About Passion

I’ve been recently thinking about the whole notion of following your passion. It’s always some make-shift advice given to people, especially younger ones, to pursue their passions at whatever cost because it will give them the best outcome in life.

What outcome?

Financial? Peace of mind? Happiness?

That part’s never really been defined, especially since very few actually pursue what’s in their heart.


And here comes the dark side of it…

Following a passion consumes you. Completely.

It’s the only thing on your mind and you’re willing to be obsessed to the point of giving up stability, relationships—everything—just to pursue it.

I saw it as a magician. The ones who made it are the ones who lived and breathed it all day, every day. Their relationships were far and few, if any, and their tunnel vision to make it happen was solid. There was no breaking it.

The whole idea of balance in life is out the window. It doesn’t exist.

And that’s the part we hide from people, but it’s the part they need to know.