What’s Old is New Again

The hidden joke in magic is if you want to impress other magicians, or audiences, the key isn’t in looking to the latest and greatest developed trick.

Instead, you dig through the history archives for much older pieces of magic… even obscure ones… and you give them a modern twist to make it look new. If you really look carefully, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone in magic coming up with a “new” technique or trick. It’s all a re-hash of what’s been done before.

Ditto with movies, television shows, books, education, communication, issues of the human psyche and parenting.

It’s a constant repackaging of the same with modern twists, typically masked by technology to make it look innovative and new.

Before you go off looking for what’s new and flashy, ask instead,

“What’s tried, tested and true?”

Then add your own twist to it.

People will think you’re a genius.