It has to start somewhere.
The life cycle we all fall victim to that keeps playing back at us, making us feel worse off every time we loop it.
It’s the cycle of making commitments, failing those commitments and then making them again.
Loop on repeat.
For life.
Until finally (hopefully) we one day throw our arms in the air and say that enough is enough. Today is the day the cycle will break.
Going forward, there will be no looking back and no returning to the starting point. We enter into a completely new path that doesn’t turn us right back around again.
But it has to be us making the move.
Being forced into it, by whatever agent responsible for that push, still doesn’t break the cycle. We find ways to sneak back into the loop, hide our true intentions and return to where we started.
If we do find ourselves back in the loop, we know what the start looks like. We know the obstacles ahead and we know where the path will end.
At that point, the smartest move to make is to avoid the obstacles by preparing for them.
Because at some point, if we want to move forward, the cycle has to break.