If what you do is from a place of love, it’ll flow right out of you.
There’s no need to force it, trick it or guilt yourself on the endless temptations we typically fall prey to because of our mental (or physical) roadblocks. The love we have will override and win any battle that engages our minds, hearts and souls.
Doing it from a place love will be the only guidance you need on what direction you need to go and what actions you need to take.
It’s the only voice you ever need to listen to… really.
This doesn’t mean it won’t be without conflict. It doesn’t mean there won’t be difficulty, or stumbling blocks, or resistance. But it does mean you’ll be willing to fight through because it’s worth it.
And sometimes, a place of love is something that is cultivated over time. It’s not always a case of a love for something causes you to take action because there’s also an opportunity that repeated actions end up being something you love.
The two end up being intertwined at some point and it’s difficult to tell which led the other.
However, when you do it from a place of love, however you got there, it’s obvious. It’s plainly obvious to yourself, to those around you and anyone looking in can see it etched into the very fiber of what you’re doing.
A place of love gives you pride.
It casts aside the opinions of others, allowing you to focus only on what matters to you. It frees you from the demands of what’s expected by others and opens you up to the demands of what you were put on this Earth to do… and the people you should be around.
If you’re not doing it out of love, it’s time to ask the hard question:
Why are you even bothering?