When You Need to Pause

It’s been so long since my last magic show that I couldn’t even tell you the date of my last performance. At this point, I probably couldn’t even remember the details.

I know it was a conscious decision to completely stop performing as it became more burdensome than joyful, and I wanted the focus of my life to be with my family and improving the craft of teaching.

While I still have the arsenal of tricks at my disposal, ready to show here and there, it has not dawned on me to circle back and pick up the performance cycle again. I knew the decision was the right one as offers still come on the table to perform and there’s no temptation to accept. I simply say no.

Writing is something I always cycle back to whenever I’ve stopped. Right now, I chip away at it through this site and pieces of works in progress. There are many items on the table for me to finish, but my bigger projects are on pause.

The priority right now is with my family as my kids are young and I want to give them the gift of my attention. I want them to remember their dad smiling and playing with them because the few years I have with them at home will go quickly.

I continue to write because I love it, but never at the expense at time that can never be regained.

Life circumstances will call you to pause on parts of your life in order to focus on what matters. Listen to that call and you will rediscover the center of your joy.