Where My Attention Drifts

I used to abuse ellipses in my writing… putting them… everywhere.

I still have a habit of using them unnecessarily, but the condition was a result of something much deeper. I used them because my thoughts trail-off frequently.

Even in mid-sentence, my mind begins to wander and the ellipses are used to give a feeling of an easy transition to something else. As a result, my writing can be all over the map.

Depending on others is my only defense against this bad habit. Friends and strangers will call me out and make sure I stay on track.

Forcing this habit in my writing bleeds into the every day life where the fight for attention is even greater. This is why I enlist the support of others to keep me focused on the moment.

Rarely, does my attention drift away to something more useful than what’s happening right now.

Attention drift only serves one purpose — to take you off track from what matters.

However, it can be useful in helping you hit your peak moment of creativity.

Depending on what you’re doing at the moment, drift carefully.