5% Per Year

I am in a fortunate position with my school board as they offer us to take professional learning opportunities in the summer. Contrary to popular belief, the teaching profession does not end at the end of June and my year is no exception.

This year, I have the privilege of attending a three day workshop with Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher, who are teachers I personally look up to and attempt to emulate (in my own style). It’s only been a day, but the insights have been jarring.

While there are many points to take under consideration, and I will have to take time to decompress and reflect, one thing piqued my interest today. Gallagher, in an off-comment, mentioned the best teachers in the world attempt to get 5% better every year… and the top 5% of teachers do this.

Not to extrapolate this any further than he intended, but isn’t this true for many professions?

If I really wanted to run with it, I could extend this to personal development. How many of us are striving to get 5% better every year at something in our own lives?

Compounding yearly, the percentage adds up.