All It Takes is a Nudge

Consider a boat heading straight towards a destination.

The winds are favourable, the water is clear and the weather is perfect leaving no obstacles to stand in the way of the journey. Along comes a giant whale, imperceptible to the crew and passengers (go with me on this one) who nudges the boat just slightly. Not enough for anyone to take notice, but enough to move the boat slightly.

The boat continues onward, but thanks to the nudge, will end up at a completely different location.

This is all it takes for our lives as well.

A nudge, no matter how minor, can lead us to a completely different place. Although science fiction has dubbed this phenomenon “the butterfly effect,” we don’t always end up with a storm as the end result.

Sometimes, if the nudge pushes us in the right direction, we end up being completely different people.

We make hundreds of decisions in a day. If we were to change just one, consciously, and do this every day, imagine what type of people we could be ten years from now.