All You Really Need

The Beatles will tell you it’s love and yes, you could end the conversation there.

The problem is we all have a different idea of what love looks like and the danger is when we disregard other ideas. Take, for instance, marriage.

Do you marry for love, or do you get married and learn how to love each other?

The answer could be both, but learning how to love is a long and trying process. Just ask anyone who’s been married for 20+ years.

How about loving a child?

There are as many opinions on parenting today as there are stars in our galaxy (approximately 100 billion for those looking for the count). Ditto for child rearing, teaching, early education, etc.

One thing they can all agree on is that you should never stop loving a child.

And that’s the crux of it — love should never end.

You should always be learning how to love in both giving and receiving. You should strive to show love as often as possible and distance yourself from situations that abuse the idea.

Love should be freely given and never feared or justified.

If we can do that, then love is all we really need.