Art Needs a Voice

The goal of the artist is to deliver a message in a way only she or he can, with the skills only she or he has. Anything less and it becomes nothing more than exercises in techniques and receives nothing more than cursory glance.

While themes of art may seem unique, they are not original. We’ve been talking about love for thousands of years, yet every generation of artists can present it in a way that seems new. Artists give love (and all the other themes) a voice we can recognize.

This is what makes art powerful and necessary.

I’ll never forget the time my aunt took me to theatres to see American Beauty. I was fourteen and heard nothing about it, but wasn’t thrilled to see a movie by that title. Once the final credits rolled, there was so much ruminating in my heart that I instantly knew this movie struck a chord that would last for decades.

It’s still my favourite movie.

Not every piece of art will speak to every person (nor should it), but every artist needs to use their art to speak.

When art has a voice, someone listens.