Be a Writing Machine

Author: M.L. Ronn

I’m a sucker for a good story, which shouldn’t be surprising considering my love of reading and writing. Lately, I’ve been wary of books about writing considering the glut of them out there from new(ish) authors who are trying to cash in on the “self-help for writers” genre.

Ronn, however, struck me different. His story seemed relatable even though it wasn’t quite. He’s someone with a full-time career and family who has a love of writing and wants to do something with it. The details are where we differ, but I took a chance there might be a few gems for me to use.

We got off in the right foot when he mentioned his love of the pulp fiction writers. Then he had me hooked when he spoke about writing being an outlet of expression and not giving a shit about what others think. He’s got enough going on to care about people’s opinions on the Internet.

Right there – worth the entire cost of the book.

There are also mentions of techniques he’s used to increase his writing output (not to be confused with speed), which were stark reminders of how lucky we are to have our current tools. If you’ve never read on these techniques before, they might come as a surprise. If you have heard about them, his explanations of them will be a kick in the pants to get going.

The style of the book is fast, easy to read and beautifully written. It’s a call for those who want to be writers, not authors and yes, there is a difference.

I look forward to reading out his fiction titles (if I can keep up with his writing).