Behind the Scenes Isn’t Perfect

There’s something satisfying about visiting someone when they’re not expecting it and seeing what really happens in their home. When we expect visitors, we make some effort to clean, tidy and present ourselves in a way that welcomes guests (or if you really hate them, offering nothing but Pabst Blue Ribbon* and the new experimental Doritos flavour).

However, when we’re caught off guard, we have no choice but to present ourselves as we are on a daily basis. This is gratifying because the behind the scenes look of someone’s life shows you are not alone in your own struggles. It’s a confirmation that life really is messy and despite the appearance, nobody has it all-together at all times.

This is the argument constantly levied against social media. It is a carefully curated life presented to the masses that does not show the pain, strife and struggles behind the scenes. Even those who show some of those features, do so with a high level of discernment on which ones would be appropriate. Most of the time, they’re done to make a point or attempt to bring humor into the situation (aka – the attempt at a viral video).

A behind the scenes look demystifies the experience and for those who are unprepared, could lead to disappointment. It’s like finding out the presents from Santa are coming from your parents, how the magician really did that trick and the Jones’ next door argue about the same things you do.

But, if you push past the disappointment, you will see the satisfaction.

More importantly, you will make better connections.

*It should be noted I’m actually a fan of PBR and don’t drink it to be ironic. However, if you offered me one instead of the Stella in the fridge behind you, the message is loud and clear.