Clean My Space Book Review

Author: Melissa Maker

Let me clear one thing up: I enjoy cleaning.

Like writing, it’s a meditative act with something to show for it in the end. I also grew up in a household where the floors were so clean you could eat off them at all times (I think some of my friends tried).

My wife pokes fun at how my family gets excited about cleaning products.

However, one thing always irked me—I was really bad at it and couldn’t figure out why. This frustration recently coupled with my limited time to do it and I finally had enough.

In desperation, I turned toward the resource that millions of people use every day: YouTube.

After spending some time separating the wheat from the chaff (some videos are well produced with weak information, other videos are badly produced with great information and some videos are just bad), I came across Melissa Maker’s Clean My Space channel.

Intrigued with her gentle approach, I opted to pick up her book rather than sift through the entire video collection.

I’ve always maintained a non-fiction book is worth the price if it can give you at least one insight that will change your perspective. Maker did that here in spades for me.

After reading her work, I was able to identify why my cleaning looked like a three year old wiped things up with her snotty sleeve and how to clean effectively with the limited time I have in a day.

She takes you step-by-step, room-by-room and product-by-product (including recipes to make your own) on how to clean your place. In speaking with my cleaner, a veteran of 30+ years in the industry (and a marriage saver the last few years), her advice is pretty on-point.

The most important thing she did for me, however, was getting me to see my cleaning habits from a different perspective.

For that reason, it was worth picking up.

If you’ve visited my house, or been in my car, the last few years, I apologize. I know better now and excited to show you the turn-around.